Cloud Observations

Cloud naming:   Genus species variety (i. e. altocumulus stratiformis perlucidus)

The 10 genii  of cloud are:

Cirrus (Ci)

Cirrocumulus (Cc)

Cirrostratus (Cs)

Cumulonimbus (Cb)

Altostratus (As)

Altocumulus (Ac)

Nimbostratus (Nb)

Cumulus (Cu)

Stratocumulus (Sc)

Stratus (St)

Species, varieties and accessory clouds


Ice and Frost

Optical Effects

Unless otherwise noted, pictures are by Sylke Boyd


Interested? Take a look at the Page of the Cloud Appreciation Society


Sources and References:

  1. Gavin Pretor-Pinney, The Cloudspotter’s Guide – the Science, History and Culture of Clouds, An official Publication of the Cloud Appreciation Society, Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2006.
  2. Storm Dunlop. Weather, Smithsonian, Harper Collins Publishers, 1996.
  3. National Audobon Society, Clouds and Storms, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1995.
  4. John A. Day, The Book of Clouds, Silver Lining Books, 2002.


Last modified: 2/10/2008

Maintained by Sylke Boyd